"Learning the order of magnitude of the human spirit and consequently dealing with its complexity is art." -Vera
RONA POEMS is a new mix of Romanian and English poetry. On this blog I post the latest poems inspired by my latest muses.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

A Doll With A Soul

Hasty lines written in full night, in response to Christopher Cross - Sailing

If you could just portray the unseen side of you
It would be a dream, for me it would be a dream come true
How can I reach your soul?
And the tears that i have seen once in a while from your blue eyes fall?

Maybe you're right, the words
Words just lose their meaning on their quiet ways to our hearts
Where clear feelings beat inside,
Where the egos melt away and there is no trace of pride.

Speaking, I'm speaking too much
Trying too hard to explain you what is a feeling
Like you haven't experienced it before,
You are so beautiful, I'm sorry I keep confusing you with a doll.

My vanity is so high,
I am such a know all, in my head everybody else is common and small
But life is not a secret
The deeper we go, we realize we're not different at all.

Today I've learnt the hard way
That even a faultless doll is endowed with a tender soul
And that loneliness and conceit
Have built constructions of steel on my overwrought soul.

I tell you to chill and be
Yourself, but do I really have the top view over you?
So many variables arise
And I just can't keep up with your light when your inner sun starts to rise
Casting sweet embarrassment
Over my expected values. 

- to Mr. C.G. 

Now let's climb down on earth a bit and see this:

697k - 672k = ~ -30k a year.
out of 672, about 1/4 are active, at the very best =>
168k / 30k = 5.6 years.

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