"Learning the order of magnitude of the human spirit and consequently dealing with its complexity is art." -Vera
RONA POEMS is a new mix of Romanian and English poetry. On this blog I post the latest poems inspired by my latest muses.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Confidant

I can't be your friend
You can't be my confidant

...When I'm running free
From my innermost queries
I hear the noise of the mighty Sea behind...
And flooded by waves of blood I stumble and fall...

...An anaemic silhouette
Crying its brains out
While magnetically reaching the truth of the sky
With disintegrating pleasure
I am...

Shaky and drained
I smoke a cigarette
To calm my feelings down
And get lost in the crowds
But I can't hide you behind the white clouds
Of the meaningless words
Poured out of my stymied throat
That built this laughable wall
Between us...

...In shivers and colds
In electrical storms
Which surround me at night
Connecting my mind and feet at the cosmic voltage,
In sweats that wear me out
In dreams that tear me down
I love you...

-to Mr. F.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Taiati-va aurul de pe degete!

Taiati-va aurul de pe degete!
Pasarile n-au aur pe aripi, dar zboara
Noi nu.
Lupii n-au aur pe gheare, dar nu pot trai dupa gratii
Noi da.

Aurul e simbolul iubirii, aurul e acoperirea din banci
O moneda cu care putem cumpara, vinde si justifica.
Doar aici, in lumea nostra bipeda
Aurul e rege.
El vorbeste, el ne inchide sau ne ispiteste,
El in catuse ne leaga,
Este a lui lege.

Acolo ei nici n-au auzit de diamante
Poate ca nu stiu sa rada
Poate ca nu stiu nici sa vorbeasca
Pentru ca Dumnezeu e liber in ei
Sa ii nasca,
Sa ii calauzeasca,
Sa ii adaposteasca,
Sa ii modeleze,
Sa ii hraneasca,
Sa ii distruga,
Sa ii vegheze.

Taiati-va aurul de pe degete!
Taiati-va lanturile din minti!
Voi, sticleti captivi cu aere de superioritate!
Cu pseudo-inteligenta si vanitate.

Aurul stralucitor va minte
Aurul greu va apasa
"Eu, ginerele cu papion
In sfant legamant iti pun aurul pe deget
Iar tu, pana la moarte, imi vei fi mireasa"...

Ei n-au voaluri si baluri
Ei n-au haine si raiuri
Au doar paduri si mari,
Lacuri si zari,
Dimineti si apusuri,
Au Soarele gol
Pe care-l tin cu credinta in iris
Ca pe o candela nestinsa
Pe care noi nici dupa ce-am reinventat-o in biserici
Cu slujbe, cu sfinti si cu o armata de clerici,
N-am reusit sa deprindem
Cum sa o aprindem.

-d-lui F.


Cut off the gold on your fingers!

Cut off the gold on your fingers!
The birds don't wear gold on their wings, but they fly
We don't.
The wolves don't wear gold on their claws, but they can't survive behind bars
We can.

Gold is the symbol of love, it's the coverage in banks,
A coin we can buy, sell and justify with.
Only here, on our biped world
Gold is the king.
He talks, he imprisons or entices us.
In handcuffs he binds us,
It's his overall law.

There they haven't even heard of diamonds
Maybe they can't laugh,
Maybe they can't talk either
Because God lives free in them
To give them birth,
To guide them,
To shelter them,
To mould them,
To destroy them,
To watch over.

Cut off the gold on your fingers!
Cut off the chains in your minds!
You, gold finches with superiority claims,
With pseudo-intelligence and vanity.

The bright gold lies to you,
The heavy gold oppresses you.
"Me, the entended, wearing a bow tie,
In holy matrimony I place the gold on your finger
And you, until death do us part, will be my bride."

They don't wear veils, they don't attend fancy balls,
They don't have clothes and heavens,
They have just forests and seas,
Lakes and horizons,
Mornings and sunsets,
They have the naked Sun
Which they keep with faith in their iris
Like a quenchless candle
That we, not even after making it up,
In church services, with saints and an army of clerics,
Haven't got to learn
How to emblaze it.

As vrea sa adorm si sa nu ma mai trezesc niciodata

Te-am cautat toata noaptea, dar nu te-am gasit
Am sperat sa fac o legatura intre firele astea incurcate
Dar n-am reusit...

M-am uitat pe CV-uri, pe site-uri...
Si daca te-as fi gasit, tot nu mi-ai fi raspuns
Pentru ca asa ai hotarat
Catar fricos si dualist ce esti!

Stomacul ma doare,
Mintea ma doboara
Afara e soare
Si-n mine e atat de seara...

Ce versuri infecte
Ce obosita sunt...

Lasati-ma sa dorm!
Sa adorm si sa nu ma mai trezesc niciodata.
Moartea e o zana frumoasa,
Dar nu asta am vrut sa spun...
Acum trei ani am vazut-o de-adevaratelea cu o cu jumatate de creier;
Mirosea proaspat a iarba
Si stralucea in lumini portocalii...

E mai placuta decat tot ce putem avea aici pe Pamant,
Cand inima bate rar si gandul slab naste vise...
Am cunoscut-o personal
E atat de calma si nu are chip
N-am s-o uit pana cand o voi intalni din nou

Dar nici n-am s-o rechem,
Caci inca mi se pare atat de scurta...
De-ar fi cat viata care mi-a mai ramas
Acum as aduce-o in mine
Ca sa ma opreasca tacut din iubire...

-d-lui F.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Craciun Fericit!

Ti-am adus un glob
Globul Pamantului meu
Poate vrei sa-l agati de-o ramura verde a ochilor
Sau sa-l spargi si sa ti-l imprastii in caleidoscopul din ganduri.

Ti-am adus de fapt sentimentul meu egoist
Ca pe un dar pe care mi l-am facut singura
Reconstituindu-mi sfera din cioburile pe care cu inima ta le-ai ordonat
Urcandu-ma capilar in sufletul tau inalt
Cu fiecare 20 de minute desprinse din tine.

Ti-am adus pulsul meu dezordonat,
Transpiratia palmelor si electricitatea din ganduri
Ca sa-ti privesti in ele ca-ntr-o oglinda

-d-lui F.

Friday, December 3, 2010


M-am agatat de tine ca un paianjen de o haina de plush.
Era cald acolo si ma tineam cu usurinta pe picioare;
Nu trebuia sa urzesc panze si nici nu trebuia sa ma cobor prea mult.
Nimeni nu-mi perfora venele si nici nu ma lua cu forta in laborator.

Celelalte insecte, pe care le vedeam de sus,
Imi pareau amuzant de plate si mici...;
Aveam senzatia ca le puteam cuprinde de acolo pe toate odata,
Ca le puteam inghiti dintr-un gest, ca sa nu le mai aud zbaterea ilogica a aripilor.

Vedeam de acolo, de pe tine, razand,
Eprubetele sparte, curgand vesnic in pamant printr-un canal cu amintiri derizorii;
Te cuprindeam cu picioarele, cu mainile, cu parul, inchinandu-ti crucile,
Ca sa-mi fie din nou liniste, sa-mi fie din nou pace, sa-mi aflu din nou natura.

Dar, intr-o zi, prin ochelarii de plastic m-ai vazut.
Eram doar ceva urat si negru pe halatul tau de zapada-
Un bob umed, lipicios, ce te-a umplut de spaima si scarba,
O boala venerica, o buba depravata manjindu-ti sticla din imagini.

Fara reflectii, fara a te gandi la sensul meu de a ma ascunde in tine,
Pe obrajii incinsi m-ai plesnit cu buricele degetelor
Aruncandu-ma de pe halatul tau alb
In eprubeta cu sange.

-d-lui F.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Ieri m-am culcat intr-un pat cu gratii,
Visat pe-o latura prea stramta ca sa pot iesi cumva.
Cearceaful era plin de pastile si de alcool scarbos
In care transpiram rece,
Cu toate cheile adevarului atarnate deasupra mea
Ca jucariile unui copil,
Prea sus ca sa le pot ajunge;

Totul imi era luat, mai putin mintile
Cu care am reusit in doar cateva ore ramase sa te desenez,
Uitandu-te la mine printr-un pahar
Din care curgea, spart, vin rosu...

Stiam ca nu ai voie sa bei
Sau ca nu-ti place;
Nu te stiam bine,
De fapt nu te stiam deloc,
De aia l-am baut eu si pentru tine
Cu tot cu cioburi, cu tot cu dulceata, cu tot cu buchet,
In rugaciuni pe care nu eu le rosteam
Ci altcineva, strangandu-mi ratiunea in palme.

M-am taiat de la glezne in sus
Si mi-a curs sange toata noaptea, din somn,
Sange singur, sange fierbinte, sange dorind
Cu care te-am invelit, cald,
Ca pe un copil fara adapost
Ce statea cuibarit acolo
Intr-un brat al mintii mele.

Nu stiam daca ai aur pe degete,
Nu stiam daca ai fericire sau daca ti-o doresti
Ci doar in dezordine valuri mi se involburau in gand
Depasindu-mi zilele si infruntand ingrijorarea,
Pe strazile inundate ale visului meu
Tu erai eu si eu eram marea...

Marea Neagra, ca o regina prea-albastra,
Decisa, atotputernica si maiastra
Care crestea mult prea mult in corole
Ca o lumina venita prea devreme din ceruri
Sa ne sfarseasca, sa ne sculpteze, sa ne defineasca...

Si tocmai cand incepusem sa simt cine sunt
A venit o noua dimineata cu guri alterate
Ce flecareau sordid in metrou
Despre oportunitati, afaceri si rate.

Atat de mult as fi vrut sa te mai tin asa,
Dar incet simteam cum mi te resorbeai printre degete
Ca apa printre radacinile unui copac
Instrainat in natura lui verde
In care nu ma puteam plimba cu adevarat
Decat ca printr-un parc fara cuvinte...

- d-lui F.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The AIDS Ballad

Laid on the beach,
Shiny and blue
You asked me
To take care of your things
And to stare at you...

Your eyes like two stones,
Your words like the knives
Shunted my veins
And petrified my arms;

Your beauty dispersed in the waves
Blindingly lightened the sky;
Above the sun and the clouds
You made me whisper: "Oh my!"

Weak like a willow
I told you the truth
About my inexistent past,
About my burnt out youth...

My heart is all that I have left alive
Believe me! I said;
And so's the love I could wrap you in
With my pure blood
Drained just for you on the sand...

I'm not the generalized dirt
That you heard about on TV;
I'm not a cheap flirt
Without a heart beating in me.

I can prove you right now
That you were so wrong
And I can sing, in return,
The most beautiful song...

But, defeated by doubts,
And confused by the news,
You put your hat on your eyebrows
And my soul you broke loose...

Quietly you ran away like a breeze
Without even kissing my sorrow;
Leaving on my blanket
Two sea drops and an arrow...

Needles and pins I felt in my breasts
And a hole of broken love in my chest;
My body and brain stretched on the beach
Sipping your bygone steps, each,
And wondering how a human being could
Fight the global lies with her tears;
How could she fight with her infinitesimal power
Countless stolen lives and millions of years?

- to beautiful Stephan from Hamburg

I wrote this poem for Stephan - a beautiful German that I met on the beach in Golden Sands -Bulgaria and who, after a brief chat, suspected me of having AIDS.

This is a fine example how the American propaganda can destroy a beautiful potential relationship.

In the same manner it most likely destroyed billions of lives with the deceitful news they keep launching and, above all, with the poverty they cast over countless nations which die without hope.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Broken Wings

After a very long break, a torture break, when for months I was working for the money only, no time, no sex, no love, no muse, this comes as a start, as a modest but certain proof that I am still alive.

Broken Wings

I saw you last night
You were swaying and bald
Refining your angel-like moves
To an open wide square.

Yesterday was so much mine
Until a cavity popped-
A window
From me

…Your wings
Broken into me
So beautiful it was
When I dreamed dogs
Eating pieces of us both
When, down the fleshy rain,
A stalker and a tree we were
I thought…

…My blood into your bowels
Your bowels down my throat
It was like a whole World

But, torn
Your thoughts have sold
My yesterdays out,
My gold
My valueless coins,
My shout
Screaming through wrinkles
On your frightened face

-to Semir Alkadi - 06.10.2010

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