"Learning the order of magnitude of the human spirit and consequently dealing with its complexity is art." -Vera
RONA POEMS is a new mix of Romanian and English poetry. On this blog I post the latest poems inspired by my latest muses.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Palatul intunecat

Lumini inecate in umbre aluneci
Pe patinoarul meu rotund de ganduri;
Intunecat ca un zmeu ce se-nalta in noapte,
Cu greu reusesc sa te port printre randuri.

Saloanele prin mine iti trec cu ecou,
In lacrimi cazand pe podeaua de-arama.
Din marea inalta a palatului tau
Carafe reci de iubire in ochi imi versi fara drama.

Cu pasi cadentati, pe coridoarele venelor ce ma-mbata in tine,
De inima-n batai purtati in dulcele infern,
Pulsez complacandu-ma in bataia valvelor care
Ma sug intunecat si placut in etern.

- d-lui Teodor I A

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