"Learning the order of magnitude of the human spirit and consequently dealing with its complexity is art." -Vera
RONA POEMS is a new mix of Romanian and English poetry. On this blog I post the latest poems inspired by my latest muses.

Friday, May 29, 2020

What happens to us?

The world rolls over a couple of texted messages
Imprinted on virtual concrete like a hopscotch on the pavement-
Human feelings that have played with each other
Shudder waves peaking, excited by natural harmony

In the self-imposed mutism
A big shade takes over
Not just the innocent memories of the like,
But the very notion of future.

It's odd to swim up in our own judgement
And picture a desiccated land
Lying ahead like a bat corridor
That pours out the echoes of our voices
Distorted, after they hit the synthetic walls of our minds.

The simple act of holding the internal blood of your hand into mine
And feeling its pulse tuning
Feels of a much higher importance
Than it would, in a normally operating environment.

We withdraw into the flesh of our bodies
And listen to the sounds of our silent default system
Finding ourselves exploring the old with strange new eyes,
Like we're the first humans to ever been born

Moreover, we co-opted the most brain-gifted
To carve this scene in historic stone
To the exclusion of all.

What happens to us?!



Anonymous said...

Good to see you are still making poems and expressing yourself through words and not just videos. :)

Vera said...

aw so cute of you to say that. writing poems is so much more relaxing.it gives me peace of mind like nothing else. but people want sexy vids. naked all over. so here i kinda write for myself, since not many people are into reading these things.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that made you happy, I am always interested in learning more about what people are thinking and felling you can learn a lot about them like that, it's nice that you have an outlet for it. So keep up let your frustrations happiness and desires flourish through this blog.

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