"Learning the order of magnitude of the human spirit and consequently dealing with its complexity is art." -Vera
RONA POEMS is a new mix of Romanian and English poetry. On this blog I post the latest poems inspired by my latest muses.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Together in the waves

Struggling to get over you...
(Lyrics inspired by Keane - Your Lov

I fell off dreaming of you
I've smoked the clouds in you...
The waves cladded us altogether
From miles away entwining our flesh

Parrots now laugh at my lyrics
Flying over my wounds,
Over your shades,
Over our shells never drown

What do they know?
It was not the royal sea cutting my elbows
But the blindfolded me
Halucinating on you
In the dark night of my insides.

Now I'm waiting like a dork
For what I thought it was meant to be...
Love songs and tears poured
Desire and thoughts teared
The Gift of the Black Sea...

A synaptic pearl
Wrapped in silvery bows
That slipped through my fingers
Taken back by the waves...

Its crystals got lost in the Sea mirrors,
Its desires got melted on my way home
I thought he was...
I thought I was...
So in love, electrifying each other,
He was the Sun, the horizons, the breaker,
I was the land he poured his rays upon
In a short gasp
Shining untouched for tomorrow...

And whether we like it or not,
Now we're back together again
Your messianic profile streams like a deer's velvet
On my dissolved eyes
Balancing my sorrow...

...What do they know?...
What do you know?...
What do I?...

- to I.M. & T.P.

(Romanian translation):

Am cazut visandu-te
Am fumat norii din tine
Valurile ne-au invesmintat din cap pana-n picioare
De la mile departare ingemanandu-ne trupurile

Papagali rad acum de versurile mele
Zburandu-mi peste rani,
Peste nuantele tale,
Peste cochiliile noastre niciodata inecate.

Ce stiu ei?
Nu a fost marea regala cea care mi-a taiat coatele
Ci eu, legata la ochi,
Halucinand despre tine
In noaptea intunecata a interiorului meu

Acum astept ca un idiot
Ceea ce am crezut ca a fost sa fie:
Cantece de iubire si lacrimi varsate
Dorinta si ganduri sfasiate
Darul Marii Negre...

O perla sinaptica
Infasurata in panglici argintii
Care mi-a alunecat printre degete
Luata inapoi de valuri...

Cristalele ei s-au pierdut in oglinzile marii,
Dorintele ei s-au topit in drumul meu spre casa
Am crezut ca el a fost...
Am crezut ca eu am fost...
Atat de indragostiti, electrificandu-ne unul pe celalalt;
El a fost Soarele, orizonturile, valul gata sa se sparga,
Eu am fost pamantul pe care el si-a varsat razele
Intr-un icnet scurt,
Stralucind neatins pentru ziua de maine...

Si, fie ca ne place sau nu,
Acum suntem din nou impreuna;
Profilul tau mesianic se unduieste ca plushul caprioarei
Pe ochii mei dizolvati,
Echilibrandu-mi mahnirea.

...Ce stiu ei?...
Ce stii tu?...
Ce fac eu?...
De ce?...

- lui I.M. & T.P.

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